The mongoose gets angry at the sight of a snake, what is the reason for this enmity? series going on for centuries

The mongoose gets angry at the sight of a snake, what is the reason for this enmity?  series going on for centuries

Why Snakes-Mongoose are Enemies: The enmity of humans is due to their interaction with each other, but the enmity of some animals has been created by nature itself. One of such enemy animals is a pair of snake and mongoose. You may have seen them fighting with each other in front or it may be that you have seen videos of their fight, but have you ever tried to know what is the reason behind the enmity between the two animals?

Be it peacock and snake or rat and cat, their enmity is famous. Although there is a similar enemy pair of mongoose and snake, but have you ever tried to know why these two (Reason Behind Snakes and Mongoose Fight) are staunch enemies? Sometimes the mongoose wins in this fight and sometimes the snake is outnumbered, although the snake can never last long in front of the mongoose. Let us know today what is the reason behind this bloody fight.

Why are snakes and mongoose arch enemies?
Many times people try to search on the internet that what is the enmity between snake and mongoose? On Quora too, when people asked questions related to this, they got different answers. Some users said that snakes and mongoose are natural enemies. The snake wants to kill the mongoose so that it can live itself and the mongoose wants to kill it so that it can survive for more days. Apart from this, the enmity of these two is related to the fact that the snake always wants to make mongoose children a victim because it likes them as food. This is the reason why the mongoose fights on seeing it to protect the children.

The mongoose has an acetylcholine reflex in its body, in such a situation it is saved from the neurotoxin present in the snake’s poison. (Credit-Shutterstock)

Does snake venom not affect mongoose?
There is also a misconception among the people that snake venom does not affect the Indian brown mongoose. Although this is not true, if the snake bites the mongoose, then the effect of poison on it is later. Since the mongoose is more nimble than a snake, it can save itself in many cases. Since the mongoose has an acetylcholine reflex in its body, it is protected from the neurotoxin present in snake venom. This is the reason that the alpha and beta blockers present in his DNA protect him from the effects of poison.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, amazing facts, Viral news

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